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EIC Condemns the California Mass Shootings and Murder of Tyre Nichols

Jan 30, 2023 | Equity In The Center News, Race Equity, Woke @ Work

Read Time: 3 minutes

Photo by Tyre Nichols via his website

Photo by Tyre Nichols via his website.

Our hearts are extremely heavy with the devastating violence that occurred last week. The week began with Asian Americans gathering with their loved ones to celebrate Lunar New Year and quickly turned into a time of mourning and terror. We stand in solidarity with the 18 victims, their families, and the communities in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay that experienced these horrific mass shootings.

“I hope to one day let people see what I see and to hopefully admire my work based on the quality and ideals of my work.”

– Tyre Nichols

On Friday, the video of Tyre Nichols being brutally beaten by five police officers in Memphis was released. Tyre died from his injuries on January 10th. He was a 29-year-old father, son, worker, skateboarder, and nature photographer. We offer our deepest condolences to Tyre’s loved ones who are mourning the loss of a beautiful and joyful soul who deserved so much more.

These recent tragedies reflect that we are still in much the same place we were before the “racial reckoning” following the murder of George Floyd in 2020. In fact, police violence has escalated since then.

“Diversifying oppression does not solve anything, we need change from the root.”

Mijente, Facebook Post

These recent acts also demonstrate how BIPOC can be complicit in white supremacy and perpetuate police violence. And, while the news cycle is quick to place responsibility on individual problems or “bad apples” in police departments, we know that dismantling white supremacist systems and structures is the only way to prevent these tragedies from occurring again.

We hope that all people affected by gun violence and police brutality find support and compassion within and among communities. We also hope calls for action to finally end these senseless killings are heeded—our collective liberation depends on it.


Resources on Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay Shootings:
11 Ways Forward This Lunar New Year | Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy
Supporting Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay | The Asian American Foundation
The Monterey Park Shooting: What You Can Do To Help or Get Help | Stop AAPI Hate
On Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay | AAPI Women Lead


Resources on Tyre Nichols and Policing:
Tyre Nichols Memorial Fund (Warning: Graphic photo in link) | GoFundMe
Mapping Police Violence |
Alternatives to Contacting Law Enforcement | Don’t Call the Police
Why Police Body Cameras Haven’t Stopped Police Brutality | The Progressive Magazine
Understanding Defunding vs Abolishing the Police | So.Informed
A New Vision for Community Safety | Color of Change, Civil Rights Corps & Vera Action


Self- and Community-Care Resources Curated by Our Colleagues at Beloved Community:
The Black Lives Matter Meditation for Healing Racial Trauma | Dr. Candice Nicole
The Ally + Accomplice Meditation for Cultivating an Anti-Racist Mindset | Dr. Candice Nicole
Mental Health Resources for Underrepresented Communities | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Race and Mental Health Resources | Project LETS
The Structural Racism Remedies Repository | Othering & Belonging Institute
The Center for Healing Racial Trauma

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