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We’re Hiring!

Jan 29, 2021 | Equity In The Center News, Woke @ Work

Read Time: < 1 minute
Equity in the Center is inviting applications for the Director/Sr. Director, Content and Stakeholder Engagement, a new role that will be critical to the organization’s growth and sustainability. The person in this position will lead service delivery of EiC initiatives; oversee project management of EiC trainings, convenings, and cohort learning programs; and implement organizational strategic communications, team management, marketing, and partner engagement. The ideal candidate will be a radical advocate for justice and liberation who brings both enthusiasm and experience in promoting and institutionalizing race equity in the social sector through facilitation and practice. Success in this role requires that the new Director be a willing disrupter who is enthusiastic about the work of dismantling white dominance at the personal, interpersonal, cultural, and institutional levels of nonprofit organizations and grant-making institutions.

Applications must be submitted via this form. Please do not email resumes, cover letters or inquiries to EiC staff or board members. The selection process is being managed by an external consultant to ensure equitable access and consideration for applicants.

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