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Meet Niki Jagpal (she/her), Executive VP at EIC

Aug 15, 2022 | Equity In The Center News, Woke @ Work

Read Time: 2 minutes

Woman with long wavy black hair, a black blazer and white shirt, and a necklace with a thick green necklace. Background is greenery.Niki Jagpal has been the Executive Vice President at Equity In The Center since January 2022, helping with vision, strategy, research, and more. She is a seasoned leader, researcher, and facilitator with over 15 years of progressive organization- and field-building experience. Most recently, she oversaw communications, policy, and development at the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD). Prior to that, she authored and oversaw the production of action-based research that supports philanthropies in investing in social justice work at the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Most notably, she was the primary author of Criteria for Philanthropy at Its Best, the first set of measurable equity benchmarks for foundations.

Niki has helped organize women’s marches, increase voter turnout, and support recovery in Post-Katrina New Orleans. She has engaged established and next-gen nonprofit leaders through workshops and talks at universities and national conferences. She has also consulted with several progressive nonprofits and foundations including the Groundswell Fund, the Marguerite Casey Foundation, and the Management Assistance Group (now Change Elemental). Niki holds a bachelor’s degree in history and cultural anthropology from Duke University and a master’s degree in public policy from Georgetown, with a concentration in education, social, and family policy.

She tries to lead with compassion, intention, humility, and inclusion and her work is informed by her practice of Buddhism and the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Niki loves dogs – especially pitbulls!

Email Niki and say hello. Connect with her on LinkedIn. Learn more about the Equity In The Center team here.

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