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Network of Deep Equity Practitioners: Building Capacity for Liberation

Mar 5, 2021 | Woke @ Work

Read Time: < 1 minute

In December 2020, a group of colleagues that has been convening regularly to learn with and from one another published a set of shared values that illustrate who we are, why we came together and how we show up in our work to support one another and organizations as practitioners committed to deep equity.

To further illustrate what those values look like in practice with organizations, in community with one another, and in solidarity for collective liberation, we’ve created a second infographic, which we share here along with an invitation to connect to our emergent learning community.

In 2021, our vision is to build community with one another, share tools and resources, and provide learning and capacity building opportunities designed to advance deep equity practice. We invite you to connect with us, and to share some details on your equity work and learning goals, via this Interest Form. Your responses will inform the capacity building resources and opportunities, including training and peer learning opportunities, we share in the months ahead.

In solidarity,

Network of Deep Equity Practitioners


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