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Meet Dr. Raquel Gutierrez (she/her), Practitioner Community of Practice Facilitator

Sep 24, 2024 | Equity In The Center News, Woke @ Work

Read Time: 2 minutes

Dr. Gutierrez (she/her) is the Founder and CEO of Blue Agave Partners, based in Tempe, Arizona. She brings three decades of experience working with foundations and nonprofits nationwide to work in aligned action to advance results.Dr. Raquel Gutierrez

Dr. Gutierrez’s core values of personal transformation, continual learning, and aligned contributions guide her work. She demonstrates a unique ability to create compassionate learning spaces and build relationships rooted in the essence of philanthropy—”love for humanity.”  Her experience with line staff, C-suite leaders, and board members to create a vision, develop strategic objectives, and activate courageous organizational leadership is informed by the social sciences, her experience in ontological coaching, and her ongoing study of leadership development.

Among her peers, Dr. Gutierrez is highly regarded for her generosity in sharing resources, commitment to building connections between unfamiliar groups, and unique ability to create opportunities for leaders to thrive personally and professionally. She excels at curating field knowledge and cultivating organizational cultures that inspire people to explore possibilities outside their routine paradigms and practices to improve results-driven impact. Her ability to create opportunities for leaders to thrive is not just a skill but an inspiration that motivates others to reach their full potential.

Dr. Gutierrez serves as the Board Co-Chair for ProInspire, a nationally based leadership development and equity organization, and as a Board Member for the Cihuapactli Collective, an Arizona community-based organization focused on healing urban Indigenous Peoples from the diaspora by sharing wisdom, connecting resources, revitalizing Traditional Knowledge, and promoting and advocating for health & wellness. She facilitates a nationwide Race Equity Practitioners learning circle for Equity In The Center and serves as coaching faculty for the California Climate Leadership Fellowship.

Connect with Dr. Raquel Gutierrez on LinkedIn. Want to learn more about the Equity In The Center team? Check us out here.

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