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EIC Adopts Racial Equity Tools (RET)

Jan 25, 2024 | Equity In The Center News, Woke @ Work

Read Time: 2 minutes

EIC & RET Logo side by side

Equity In The Center (EIC) is excited to announce the adoption of Racial Equity Tools (RET)! As RET celebrates its 15th anniversary, EIC is honored to lead the next phase of expansion and advancement of RET’s comprehensive website.

With this transition, RET will focus on enhancing curation expertise, technical assistance, user-friendliness, responsiveness, and the integration of accessibility and language justice practices. Created in 2009, RET is a key source in the racial justice field, providing a wealth of resources for activists, practitioners, and scholars. With more than 4,500 resources in 98 categories with a robust and popular glossary, RET serves as a critical resource to the race equity, racial justice and movement fields.

The decision to transition RET to EIC is grounded in deep values alignment, dating back to EIC’s inception. This adoption builds on EIC’s work to achieve racial equity by shifting mindsets, policies and practices in the social sector.

“EIC’s unwavering dedication to promote racial equity and cultivate networks aligns perfectly with RET’s objective of supporting those working for racial justice at every level – systems, organizations, and communities. Also, with their innovative approach, integrity and commitment to fostering authentic relationships, EIC is the ideal choice to grow and deepen RET’s work.”

– Maggie Potapchuk, co-founder of RET

As EIC absorbs RET’s newsletter curation, generation, and site maintenance functions, RET is poised for maximum reach and impact with the addition of a sustainable staffing structure. EIC President and CEO Kerrien Suarez adds that EIC is committed to continuing to provide RET’s resources for free to ensure the broadest accessibility for individuals and organizations with limited resources.

“EIC will continue RET’s critical work to democratize access to racial justice tools.”

– Kerrien Suarez, President and CEO of EIC

Keep an eye out for the RET community survey in mid-February and please share with us how we can ensure that RET’s curated content meets your organizing, research, and learning needs while remaining user-friendly. And, sign up for the RET newsletter sent 6X a year with ~60-100 new racial justice resources. Don’t miss the first one on January 30th!

We appreciate the donors who contributed to the adoption and initial transition (listed below). EIC looks forward to engaging with our funders, partners and stakeholders as we usher in the next chapter of RET!


Logos for T. Rowe Price Foundation, The Skillman Foundation, Meyer Foundation, Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund, William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, Annie E. Casey Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


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