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Build, Maintain, Repair: A Deceptively Simple Framework for Tending to Your Organization’s Equity Container

Build, Maintain, Repair: A Deceptively Simple Framework for Tending to Your Organization’s Equity Container

Read Time: 5 minutesIn our first blog in this series, we introduced the idea of an equity container: A set of conditions that allows groups to move through racial justice work without falling apart or reproducing white supremacy culture. A strong equity container allows teams to work through conflict, disagreement and harm in ways that strengthen team alignment, which is critical to operationalizing equity at organizations. When a team’s container is fragile or fractured, the team is likely to create harm and lose its ability to have the honest, vulnerable conversations needed to dismantle white supremacy. What does it look like to actually nurture a strong container? We’re iterating on a simple framework for this: Build, Maintain, Repair. 

How to Lose/Retain Diverse Leaders in 365 Days

How to Lose/Retain Diverse Leaders in 365 Days

Read Time: 9 minutesOrganizations have a feverish obsession with getting diverse talent in the door. Throughout recent years, pieces have been published underscoring the importance of recruiting leaders of color to the non-profit sector (see The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Quarterly), but little has been said about retaining leaders of color, and even less about why so many leaders of color leave. It turns out there’s a secret to losing diverse talent. It takes daily effort, but with consistency, incorporating these seven components within your organization will send leaders of color packing (depending on what you do or don’t).

It’s Time to Shift from Transactional DEI to Transformational Race Equity Work

It’s Time to Shift from Transactional DEI to Transformational Race Equity Work

Read Time: 4 minutesOn Jan. 17, The New York Times published an opinion piece from Jesse Singal titled “What If Diversity Training Is Doing More Harm Than Good.” The article was a missed opportunity to highlight the benefits of organizational transformation focused on mitigating measurable identity-based inequities, a change that unfolds along a developmental continuum from diversity to inclusion to equity and is executed over years. The “gotcha” framing of the article focused on a well-known fact among equity practitioners and demonstrated in studies: transactional trainings focused on unconscious bias and “consciousness raising” yield little to no measurable benefit and can challenge morale in ways that degrade commitment to diversity and inclusion.