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April 2022 Pricing Model Updates

Feb 23, 2022 | Woke @ Work

Read Time: 2 minutes

To better align EiC’s pricing to the team’s equity values and established best practices among national equity leaders (such as Rockwood Leadership Institute), we will adopt a tiered pricing model beginning in April 2022. We ask that organizations purchasing tickets on behalf of their staff do so in the tier that aligns with their organizational budget and sector. For individuals purchasing tickets, we ask those with greater privilege to do so at the higher end of the tiered model, which will allow individuals with historically less access to wealth to pay lower fees.

The reality of racial disparities in the United States are and have been that underrepresented groups have been actively and intentionally excluded from financial, literacy, and wellbeing resources. The United States has and continues to perpetuate violence towards BIPOC folks in all areas of life. This can be seen in the data expressing that race is one of the biggest indicators of health, wealth, income, education etc. Our pricing model update is one of the ways our team is addressing these systemic inequities and disparities experienced by non-White identifying folks.

For organizations (groups of 15 to 49 people) purchasing tickets on behalf of their staff, purchase tickets in the tier that aligns with your organizational budget and sector. 

Subsidized Rate Actual Cost Rate Supporter Rate Investment Rate
Non-profits with budgets <$1M Non-profits with budgets between $1M and $3,999,999; government Foundations with assets less than $10M; non-profits with budgets between $4M and $9,999,999 All for-profit companies; foundations with assets over $10M; and non-profits with budgets $10M and above
15-20 ppl $3,000 $4,000  $5,000 $6,000
21-35 ppl $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000
36-49 ppl $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $11,000

*Budget categories based on Rockwood Leadership Institute’s tiered pricing model


For individuals and small teams (up to 14 people) purchasing tickets, we ask that people with greater privilege purchase tickets at the higher end, which will allow individuals with historically less access to wealth to pay the lower fees.

Subsidized Rate Actual Cost Rate Supporter Rate Investment Rate
Non-profits with budgets <$1M Non-profits with budgets between $1M and $3,999,999; government Foundations with assets less than $10M; non-profits with budgets between $4M and $9,999,999 All for-profit companies; foundations with assets over $10M; and non-profits with budgets $10M and above
$175 $200 $225 $250

*Budget categories based on Rockwood Leadership Institute’s tiered pricing model


Our services include convenings, working sessions, coaching, and partner training opportunities designed to shift mindsets, practices, and systems in the social sector to increase race equity and build a Race Equity Culture. Learn more about our upcoming working sessions and partner training opportunities

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