Equity In The Center® (EIC) works to shift mindsets, practices and systems in the social sector to center race equity and build a Race Equity Culture™.

Building Race Equity in the Workplace
This publication is the culmination of Equity In The Center research, which illustrates in detail how organizations can move through the Race Equity Cycle® by activating specific organizational levers.
Awake to Woke to Work®: Building a Race Equity Culture™ provides insights, tactics, and practices social sector organizations can and have used to measurably shift organizational culture, operationalize equity, and move from a dominant organizational culture to a Race Equity Culture™.
Race Equity Culture™ Services
Working Sessions
Open enrollment workshops for individuals and organizations on our Race Equity Cycle® framework and research
Partner Trainings
Workshops and trainings with partners to center race equity and promote allyship and liberation
Opportunities for teams to drive race equity within their organizations and across the sector, with guidance
Woke @ Work Blog
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Learn More About Us
We envision a future where nonprofit and philanthropic organizations are characterized by a Race Equity Culture™, meaning they implement and advance race equity internally while advocating for and centering it in work externally.
To achieve that future, we challenge colleagues to adopt specific tactics on the levels at which racism operates.